Date: May 12, 2015
- Introductions/review of goals
- Small groups: review and discuss well-known practice competency frameworks/rubrics
- Use flip charts to capture likes and dislikes of other frameworks/rubrics
- Report back to the large group
- Small groups: identify practice competencies/indicators of critical importance for transition from Level 1 to Level 2
- Pick the “top 10” competencies*
- Pick 3-4 critical indicators per competency*
- Report back to the large group
- Large group: Devise some preliminary recommendations for UPPC with respect to:
- PeP redesign
- Clinical site/lab assessment
- Next steps
- By the end of the workshop, participants will determine if there are specific practice competencies and indicators that are essential/required for safe student transition from Level 1 to Level 2.
- By the end of the workshop, participants will identify a competency framework and rubrics that are easy to use in clinical areas.
- By the end of the workshop, participants will recommend potential PeP revisions for UPPC consideration.
Discussion notes:
1. How are we deciding the competencies?
2. What are the pros and cons of each tool?