Looking for nursing faculty professional development resources?
Head over to Educating Nurses, an online portal featuring continuing education modules, learning activity guides, discussion trigger videos and articles by Dr. Patricia Benner, an eminent nursing educator and author who is also Professor Emerita at the University of California San Francisco School of Nursing.
Education modules are grouped into six themes: Entering the Practice of Nursing, Discussion Triggers, Novice to Mastery, Transforming Curriculum, Integrating Clinical Practice, and Making Large Classes Interactive. A list of videos in each module is listed in the image at the bottom of this article (click image to enlarge).
Access to resources at Educating Nurses is free to UBC SoN faculty, teaching assistants and graduate students, through a subscription paid for by this year’s EKM scholarship grant to Dr. Maura McPhee.
To create an account at Educating Nurses, use your UBC email address (name@nursing.ubc.ca or name@ubc.ca). If you have problems registering, please send an email to khristine.carino@ubc.ca.