- Quality & Safety Education for Nurses includes 6 competencies:
- Patient-centered care
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Evidence-based practice
- Quality improvement
- Safety (culture of safety)
- Informatics
- Implicit→Explicit QSEN
- Simulated learning
- Clinical experiences
- Research findings
- Student awareness and understanding→ decrease in preventable errors
- Students focus on the bedside. What about systems level quality/safety?
- Students need to know Q/S implications at different systems levels
- The World Health Organization (WHO) multi-professional patient safety guide
- Interprofessional education
- 11 patient safety topics
- Human factors*, systems thinking
- Interprofessional education
*Human factors=designing structures and processes to decrease human error
- Pre/post-test non-experimental design with UK pre-registration nursing students
- Curriculum=50% theory, 50% practice
- Students must pass 12 modules, 11 have practice elements
- Last module: Professional Management module
- Patient safety educational intervention=2 lectures, 1 facilitated group work (FGW)
- WHO materials: a) What is patient safety? b) How we understand and learn from errors to prevent harm.
- 5 lecture hours at 2nd, 8th week, 1 3-hour FG on 9th week
- 181 baseline questionnaires, 141 questionnaires at the 10th, last week
- WHO pre-test 28 item questionnaire on attitudes and knowledge
- WHO post-test: same questions + 16 questions on perceptions of teaching effectiveness and merit of content in the curriculum
- Significant differences in attitudes after intervention for:
- Error and patient safety
- Personal influence over safety
- No significant differences after the intervention for 5 knowledge questions
- Positive feedback: “Should have been taught earlier.”
- Rationale for non-significant findings:
- Classroom content needs to be reinforced in simulations, practice
Mansour, Mansour, Alice Skull, and Michael Parker. “Evaluation of World Health Organization Multi-Professional Patient Safety Curriculum Topics in Nursing Education: Pre-test, post-test, none-experimental study.” Journal of Professional Nursing 31.5 (2015): 432-439.