By nick j & kirsten r

1: I feel most fortunate to be….

2: (interrupts) America! Americans! It’s great! It’s like a party!! Hey, Great political parties, like you all in the free and equal state of Texas!… Let me let you in on something… Our government is declaring open war on democracy!

1: let’s be civilized, please. Our government, our federal government, supports the public consideration for changes to…

2: (interrupts) Change? Change America? It sounds as if these soft men need a straight kick, am I right? America is the key, simple. America makes it easy for “equal” nations. Like, I have lawyers, right, and they’re powerful. I’m powerful. My success is beautiful. Easy, simple.

1: yes… If I may go on. This predicament, with Mexico, when the modern legislative authority…

2: (interrupts) it’s simple! This election we choose Freedom, we’ll restore a greater federal government! we’ll make Mexico free like we did for the Indians! With Mexico it’s about the end of justice, the right for violence, easy. We’ll ice these “Democratic Communities”. I have lawyers, I know it can be done. Simple!

1: Sir I’m asunder! Violence cannot be our natural practice. If you apply these general principles…

2: (interrupts) I know a general! Carmine Flores, a real general, obnoxious, bitter, unquestionably a fruit. I have lawyers! Powerful, Great, made me a fortune! She has generals, I have lawyers, I think the Great State of Texas wants prosperity and security, a candidate who treats an itch by striking hard! Simple! I’m the best.

1: in my opinion this candidate stands comparatively shallow, and should not be given the power to make laws encroaching on democracy for if…..

2: I will mourn the end of America, of justice, of democracy, of American Pop, when this candidate lets poor countries in. Lets violent countries in. Lets fruits in. When all your security and public order is gone. When our ancient customs are gone. I will mourn. The great state of Texas will mourn.

1: equality is the great justice, we should be exclusively invested….

2: (Interrupts) invested? I’m puzzled. Where’s our Commercial Prosperity? Is it in Mexico? Europe? Can’t free AMERICANS live equal without obedience to Mexico? I’ll end this here, I see a great number of people enjoying this great political party, with my great political party, in the great and free and equal state of Texas! I’ll make America prosper, simple. We will be great! Not like my fellow candidate, who wants you to know how many generals she knows.

1: I just, if I could just change the….

2: (interrupts) Change? I say keep America Simple!

1: If I could just reply…

2: lets clap for pop gold of religion and beauty Maryellen Williams! My lawyers were just speaking with hers, now that’s a lot of power in one room!

1: please! This is a slight to a civilized democratic exercise…

2: If you want America to change to violent destruction, to bend over to the unripe “Habitual intercourse” of European “civilization”, give obedience to the “independent” nation of Mexico, go for the candidate that “knows some generals”. I’ve got the best security, I’ve got the most powerful lawyers. It’s simple. Let’s make America Gold! And great! Let’s make America Simple again, I mean great!

1: I see the end of this is near… I must say this candidate has been very false…

2: I’m the most fortunate candidate, the most successful, in the history of America! I’ve displayed it unquestionably, it’s beautiful! I know you all support it, this candidate hates it!

(Wild applause, millions of balloons descend. Candidate 2, carried off on shoulders)

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