My Request

Yo Racanelli,

Congrats! I’m stoked to tell you that your request to get into UBC has been sort-of accepted. You’ve been kind of accepted to the BEd program for high school (in Vancity for a 12 month program) for 2016-2017, with your theme being English.

You can get into the program, but only if you finish what is written below. If you do not pass these 4 courses, you are in big dog shit.

You have to pass these 4 easy ass courses: ENGL 1001, 4321, 4241, 4341.

Here is your student number. You will probably need that to register. You have to use this number whenever you’re talking to the school. This offer and all the things we are telling you in this letter is only usable for the 2016-2017 winter period and if you choose to not come to UBC, well, that is a poor choice on your part. You also need to be prepared to spend a shit ton of money on tuition, books and all that other crap that we tell you that you need.

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