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Hai gurl HAAAAI!

YAHOO! Looks like you’re coming to hang out with us, but only if you get some of your shit together. You’ll be chillin with some wicked peeps.

But wait, you gotta do a few things to be one of us (one of us. one of us)…

  • FINISH YO DAMN DEGREE! and do it by August, foo.

You have some digits that you now are. You ain’t you no more. YOU IS DIGITS. Hey – you also can’t show up next year and say “BRUV I BE A TEACHAAAA”. Show up this year. Yea hear?

You:  Caitlin Brianne Funk

Yo digits:  31959002

Time:  2016-2017 Winter Session Year 1

What we be learnin’:  Bachelor of Education – Secondary  (Vancouver 12 Month) program 

What you good at:  Major in English                                  

You’re now one of us. HECK YESSSS

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