Little red cap

Girl (G): “I’m called little red cap because my grandma gave me a little red velvet cap.”

Mum (M): “Little Red-cap you have to go to your grandmother she is ill and needs some food. So bring her cake and a bottle. Don’t eat the cake by yourself! Go now and don’t run off the path, don’t talk to strangers you never know what they can do to you. And say good morning to your grandma.”

G:” Yeah I will be a good girl I promise I will take care. I’m big enough to know about the strangers. I’m not a little child anymore.”

Little red cap walked out the house and was on her way. Suddenly she stopped and looked in one direction.

G:” Oh what creature is that? It looks scary!”

Wolf (W):” Hey little red-cap how are you doing?”

G:”Good I will visit my grandma. How are you doing wolf?”

W:” Good little hungry what do you have in your bag’”

G:” Some cake and wine. Yesterday was a baking day, and my grandma doesn’t feel too well.”

W:” Oh okay, where does your grandmother live to you have to walk far?”

G:” not really, I think you know the house for sure it is under the three old oak trees. Everybody knows where it is. Bye, I have to go.”

W:” What a sweet, cute girl. She would be delicious with her tender meat. She will taste better than the old grandmother. I have to catch both.”

G:” What are you mumbling?”

W:” Oh nothing! Let’s walk a short distance together. Oh, look red cap over there such lovely flowers. I think your grandmother would love to have some.”

G:” Oh my grandma would love them. Uh, this one is pretty, and this one over there is beautiful!”

W:” So now it is my chance to be there before the little red cap.”

Gr:” who is here. Is it you little red cap?”

W:” Yes grandma it’s me your sweet grandchild. I’m bringing you cake and wine.”

Gr:” Come in sweetie, I’m too weak I can’t open the door.”

W:” Raw, mhm so now I just eat the grandmother. So I just have to trick little red cap. The best way is to wear the clothes of the grandmother.”

G:” Oh dear this is weird why is the door already open? Never mind, Good morning grandma. Strange that she doesn’t reply. Maybe she is still asleep. Oh grandma, why do you have such big ears?”

W:” To hear you better sweetie.”

G:”But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!”

W:” ’The better to see you with, my dear.”

G: “Okay, but, grandmother, what large hands you have!”

W:” So I can hug you better.”

G:”Oh! But, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!”

W:” The better to eat you! Rawr.”

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