Mr. Wolf’s Little Problem

The following example is for a lesson in dialogue.

“Little Pig, I know you’re in there!” shouted Mr. Wolf.

“No I’m not,” replied Little Pig rather sarcastically.

Mr. Wolf was not having it. “Hey Pig, I need some advice,” he pleaded, “please come out!”

Just then, Mr. Wolf felt a little tickle in his nostril. He huffed and he puffed and he sneezed that little tickle right out of his nose.

“AAAAACHOOOOOOO!” he bellowed. 

And with that, Little Pig’s house crumpled in a pile of straw and sand.
“Oops,” admitted Mr. Wolf, a little embarrassed.

Little Pig was nowhere to be found.

Mr. Wolf then walk down the street to the next pig’s house.
“Hey Piglet, I need to ask you something.  Come out!” he shouted once more.

“Can’t hear you!” mocked Piglet.

“Yes you can,” Mr. Wolf responded irritated, “you just heard me ask you to come out!”

“No I didn’t,” replied Piglet.

“How annoying,” murmured Mr. Wolf to himself. 

Just then, Mr. Wolf felt a little sniffle in his nostril. He huffed and he puffed and he sneezed that little sniffle right out of his nose.

“AHHHHCHOOOOO!!! he sneezed. “Ah, that felt good,” he announced to nobody in particular.

He looked down and saw the house of twigs in a pile on the ground.

“Oops,” Mr. Wolfe whispered to himself, “not again.”

Piglet was nowhere to be found

Reluctantly, Mr. Wolf went to Boss Hog’s house. 

“Boss Hog, can you open up? I’ve got a question you might be able to help me with!” shouted Mr. Wolf, with a little less confidence than before.

“Whaddya want, Wolf?” bit back Boss Hog.

“I’ve got a cold,” cried Mr. Wolf, “and I don’t know what to take for it.”

“Ahhhh! Hows about some tea with ginger and lemon and honey, followed by a little bit of pink medicine and a good night’s sleep.” said Boss Hog thoughtfully.

“Great idea!” shouted Mr. Wolf. “Wow,” he said, “that was really good advice, Boss. I knew I could on you pigs.”

Just as Mr. Wolf was turning to leave, he felt a little flutter in his nostril.  He huffed and he puffed and… and… and… “AHHHHHCHOOOOOOOO!”

Mr. Wolfe sneezed that flutter right out of his nose.  He also blew the roof off of Boss Hog’s big brick house.

“My bad,” said Mr. Wolf with a sly grin. 

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