Subordination – The Day You Win the Lottery

Content: You have won the lottery and arrive at work determined to quit in a blaze of glory… (write about what happens when you do)
Formal: The paragraph must contain at least one subordinator (from the list provided) per sentence and no coordinator can be used more than once.
Context: Written at home within an expected time of 30-45 minutes.

When I arrive at the Twinkie factory I step out of my car and across the parking lot I see my boss’ car. Now that I will never have to hear his piercing high pitched voice again I feel as though I am indestructible. I pull out my keys and place the point of my locker key on the shiny orange paint of his vintage corvette and smile before striding the length of the car. As soon as I reach the taillights, however, I hear his worn-out black rubber shoes come squeaking across the parking lot under his enormous mass of blubber. He’s had it coming as far as I’m concerned, but as he balls his tubby mitts into fists I begin to suspect that he thinks otherwise. Seeing that he outweighs me by over two hundred pounds I begin to think that it might be wise to run away, but given that he knows where I live I begin to think strategy. I look to the flexible bits that might fold under his own weight if coerced in just the right direction, though I will need to be out of the way provided that he fall. Granted that I barely realize how hard my heart is pumping I think that I’m fairly brave for attempting a side kick to the back of his knee, but seeing as how my heart leaps into my throat when my boot becomes lodged firmly between his enormous but cheeks I’ll have to take a rain check on the self-aggrandizement. In order for him to lay his hands on me this fleshy giant now has to spin around and face me, but as he does so the centrifugal force tosses me away from his grasp and it takes him three more tries before he realizes we’ve become fused in the shape of a capital T. Except that I was caught in the act I’m proud of myself for quitting as I did, although I did lose one of my favourite shoes in the process.

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