
Morning of craziness

Alongside three small terrors

Bring out my best defense

Toss out the perfect parenting rules

In the early hours

The clock ticks away

In the kitchen

Slapping together lunch

By myself

Coffee keeping me company

Into the hall

Traipsing down stairs

Pajama-clad child

Taking a peek

Accidentally knocking over coffee

Counter now soaked

Ruining sandwiches

Sopping wet snack food

Better than yesterday

A shoe oddly thrown in the trash

Made agonizingly late

Today, which will go the same

Tragically non-punctual

Irrationally delayed

Because it is always the same

Plus or minus mishaps

Despite my best intentions

Children are inconsiderate


They give no assistance

“Let us be late!”, they rejoice

Argumentative yesterday

Toothpaste is not a cleaning agent

Suppose I say sit

My children will jump

While walking out the door

Backpacks forgotten

Arguing like lawyers

These children are heartless

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