In Hot Pursuit

The brilliantly, flashing automobile bursts out onto the gravel pavement, sending shock waves of heat, sound and flame following in its tracks. It breaks the tangible silence of the empty, muted, forest trail as it desperately grips the cement below its wheels faster in order to gain momentum. Fast on its tracks, four, howling police cars alongside each other fly through the debris and land moments later on the same, dirt-laden path. They ignore impact with a groaning force as they attempt to overtake the burning Ferrari in the dead of night. The Doppler Effect of the high-speed, edge-of-your-seat car chase is echoing and bouncing off of the tartan-styled walls, like freshly-launched bullets reflecting off of titanium barriers as the fleer and the pursuants circle ‘round the room in a mad dash. The seven year old boy runs toward the nearing cliff of the coffee table, miniature sports car firmly grasped in his sticky hands – running for his life, their lives – away from the fuzz. He closes his eyes and screeches at the top of his lungs, “THIS IS IT!”

It is do or die.

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