A CFLAT Trilogy of sorts

Part one

A spot of bother
A loaf of bread
In addition to the power
Exhibited by the bacteria
Because of multiplication,
I believe in what comes by chance.

In the morning, on his bed
The bread subtracted
And showed up behind the house, but
With all his might he has run into
Long division.

It hasn’t showed up since the war
knowing very few things
by heart.


Part two

Take your liquor license from the cross hairs,
have a bath and pay the price.
It’s all an utterly stupid joke in such a richly decorated house.
That handwritten letter
Sky blue and feather light
Rendered a mystery due to bleaching powder
Spilled inadvertently by the cleaning lady.


Part three

And so said
The argumentative, intelligent young man
Sitting in a small square bluish wooden box
Demonstrating his true toadish transferential nature
More quickly than the woman who lives next door

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