Monthly Archives: October 2016

Sharp C-Flat.

The puppy. The brown puppy. The adorable brown puppy. The adorably enthusiastic, brown puppy. The adorable, overly enthusiastic, brown puppy. The adorable, lovable, overly enthusiastic, brown puppy. The adorable, lovable, yet overly enthusiastic, chocolatey brown puppy The heart-melting adorable, lovable, … Continue reading

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I’ve tried so many different lines and written words on top of words down on this sheet. But i’m about to have a break down if this Wednesday evening shakedown causes other class’ work to be incomplete.   It says, … Continue reading

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C♭ Rant

Here’s a piece of advice. In order to talk about how we can cut back on the money we spend on our textbooks, we may need to kick our school and its rules out the door. Now, don’t go all policeman … Continue reading

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Christmas: For Little Adorable Tykes

Tomorrow night is Christmas Yule tides, mirth and all that crap A fat man, yelling “ho ho ho” will show, With materialism in his sack.   I find it fucking hilarious That the symbol of love and giving Is an … Continue reading

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Transit emergencies of the toilet kind – Cflat-ulence?

I notice there’s something wrong around 71st street. My stomach – flipping, twisting, curling itself inside out – I needed to shit take a dump. Of course, there is no way I would get to a toilet anytime soon, I’m … Continue reading

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In Hot Pursuit

The brilliantly, flashing automobile bursts out onto the gravel pavement, sending shock waves of heat, sound and flame following in its tracks. It breaks the tangible silence of the empty, muted, forest trail as it desperately grips the cement below … Continue reading

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walking teeth-first

Smiling, you glide Down the stairwell Onto the frigid tile It reminds you of her “Why? Why do you do that? GET OUT!” You acknowledge You breathe You continue They love to watch you To gawk Their mouths drivel with … Continue reading

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(Jk’s: Articles of Knowing) Not knowing what to write, the absence of vision, Call it lazines, i need some erudite precision. Realistically I couldn’t improvise indecision Any better than if my moderator insisted on a latin prescription. Will I, the … Continue reading

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Creative Fortuitous Languid Afternoon Together

In the far recesses of the house, down the narrow, twisted stairs A cozy, squashy armchair awaits. I break the ice with a strong coffee and a sagacious smile Go missing for a stormy afternoon, away from the abhorrent chill. … Continue reading

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My mother hates her new home but she’s making an effort to hide it…sort of.  “No one made me move out of the house,” she declares proudly. “I made that decision all by myself.” We all know that there was only … Continue reading

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