Monthly Archives: October 2016
It can remain the same
Glory permeates through fissures. Calling. Echoing. Light seeps through edges, Hinting possibilities. Parasites of doubt Devour truth. Darkness of the mind and heart; Fear. Uncertainty. It is not rock solid. Only as strong as wanted Or needed. Pangs of guilt … Continue reading
(C)o(f)fee (L)ove (a)nd (T)hrow Away Puzzles
Alongside my faithful, quick-witted mother, I know a rich cup of coffee and a simple puzzle will never be far away. As I stride into the kitchen, I inhale the bittersweet aroma of our favourite Sea to Sky blend and … Continue reading
Morning of craziness Alongside three small terrors Bring out my best defense Toss out the perfect parenting rules In the early hours The clock ticks away In the kitchen Slapping together lunch By myself Coffee keeping me company Into the … Continue reading
May 1
Left, right, left, right, left, right… It’s about 12:30pm on a very mild Sunday. You just ran pass another big, blue sign that marked the 29th kilometre of the run. As you make a left turn onto the dreaded Burrard … Continue reading
CFLAT – Rockford
Time stands still when you turn on television. Jim Rockford is a private investigator with a knee injury. He is the star of the television show, “Rockford Files.” His dad, Rocky, is a generous kind-hearted, happy man, who will do … Continue reading
C-Flat of Memories
C-Flat of Memories on top of … Continue reading
To Boldly Split Infinitives
As a great lover of the English language, I have often found myself in the position of having to defend my mother tongue from the torrents of abuse levied at it by my distraught ELL students. To them I praise … Continue reading