Author Archives: jho

Why am I so tired? 😉

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While exercising vigorously, the redhead boy walked right into his lost soul. “Ouch”, he thought, as he danced down the hall. “Damn this maze of Legos”, he whined. In a minefield of pain and tears, he glared at the disgusting … Continue reading

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Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones

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Clearwater Beach, FL

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Writing is fun


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May 1

Left, right, left, right, left, right… It’s about 12:30pm on a very mild Sunday. You just ran pass another big, blue sign that marked the 29th kilometre of the run. As you make a left turn onto the dreaded Burrard … Continue reading

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Lesson Plan- Composition 10


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On a beautiful, crisp, late-September Friday afternoon, J walks down Main Mall towards Martha Piper Plaza. Noticing how other people are taking photos of the fall landscape, she whips out her iPhone and does the same thing. An Instagram-worthy photo, … Continue reading

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Subject: Welcome to BIGGGG BROTHERR!!!

J.HO, Wtf, you’re coming back for a sixth straight year HAHAHA. Don’t you have a life??? But I think you like me. Looks like you might be coming back for a BEd (not bed– joke’s on you lol). From the … Continue reading

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From: Madonna

Feel down or tired? Please, In the course of existence: Exercise Travel Drink a bucket of wine. Drink. Drink. Drink. Believe in vivacity. Wildly, madly, free. Wonder unquestionably. Simple and easy.

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