Category Archives: Uncategorized


While exercising vigorously, the redhead boy walked right into his lost soul. “Ouch”, he thought, as he danced down the hall. “Damn this maze of Legos”, he whined. In a minefield of pain and tears, he glared at the disgusting … Continue reading

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Free Range Elephants (Renga Underground Extended Remix)

Deciding to drill beside the facility was insane. OUCH! Get on it! “The elephants will save us” , she gasped And they did.  Their trunks were dynamite! They shot up suddenly, smacked her in the head.  It felt like brain … Continue reading

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13 Years Old

Dirty bombing. Yay! Wake Up! “I’m up, I’m up,” he muttered. And up he was. It was the fourth of July in his pants. Look out, it is photo-shopped. “Well, aren’t you a fancy pants,” she sneered. The best of … Continue reading

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American Dreams

Running a drill is an exercise for a carpenter.”Wow, in the USA they sure know how to throw a party,”barked the clerk. But we know as much about their parties as we do about rabbits. Anymore of that and they’ll … Continue reading

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The demonstration against USSS

Protesting against the secret service (USSS). Whoops!! Don’t go demonstrating down by the docks or you’ll “sleep with the fishes” Polly squacked. Do away with online trojan That was pretty funny That was the story of the demonstrator.

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Alt-Right Teens

“BREAKING THE SECURE BOARDER INITIATIVE BY CARRYING DNDOs…” Gee wiz, in the time of Aladdin? They garbled, “CARTELS EVERYWHERE!” That is a road I would rather not take. He droned on and on and on and was a pain in … Continue reading

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Rain, Shine, Sleet, or Snow: The life of a Mail Administrator

Running disaster management programs Shit! The grid through the port authority is down The Canadian exclaimed, “The communications have failed.” I’m really flexible at night, So don’t throw out the bathwater just yet. We all know the water stays hot … Continue reading

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Summer Sunset

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Favourite Food: Sausages

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