Category Archives: Writing Prompts

Assignment One: Ten Writing Prompts and Exemplars

Shakespearian Insult

Thou unmuzzled swag-bellied barnacle This would be used in response to a person rambling off ignorant comments about those around them. Think Donald Trump during any debate ever. Using this insults both a person’s appearance and their wit.

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WHADDUP HOMIE, Guess what? U MADE IT FOO! YOU IN! YOU IN BED, YA KNO WHAT I’MSAYYIN? Take your number, and get on your shit. You got two weeks or it’s game over. Oh, and don’t do anything stupid, we … Continue reading

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giant man boobs

Original text: Asking seriously, do big boobs affect one’s performance in contact sports????? I must make a serious inquiry on the matter of physical anatomy and their correlative effect in athletics involving physical contact: do mammoth mammary glands on the female … Continue reading

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A degree from UBC

The head honcho of UBC with a green light from the grand poobah got word from the arts posse and kicked down major props and a legit B.A. for C-beezy Our word is bond yo Original text…. The Chancellor of … Continue reading

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Hope ur ready

JAZZY FIZZLE, GRATZ BRO bout time u made it to the UBC BEd par-tay busssssssss so you better not fuck this up. Time to leave those UVic scumbags behind AMIRITELADIES!? BUT we won’t let you on the bus just yet. … Continue reading

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To save my life, Please stop. Believe I naturally reflect destruction and violence. Stand down.

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The tired Federalists in my opinion, threw prickly wine at ancient Texas. Still more striking: Mexico is a powerful potato candidate that the Americans have made beautiful. The causes of hate of the United States will always contain a considerable … Continue reading

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