Monthly Archives: April 2016

Technology Poll

I am doing a unit on data management with my grade 4’s. We’re learning how to create a variety of different graphs and how to interpret and input data into these graphs. Today I wanted to demonstrate how to use information taken from a survey and input this data into a bar graph, so out of my own curiosity I made the subject surrounding technological devices.

The survey question was as follows: “Which of the following electronic devices do you have access to at home?” It is important to consider that this does not necessarily mean that each student has one of these devices themselves, but that they are able to use one on a regular basis at home. The students were encouraged to respond to all of the options that pertained to them, and the results were quite astounding (in my old fashioned perspective at least…) Out of the 23 students in my class, here were their responses:

I pad/tablet: 16
Laptop/desktop computer: 23
Cellphone: 23
Kindle/E-reader: 18
Video console (of any kind): 11

It was quite a surprise that so many of my students had access to cellphones and computers while at home, which naturally connects to