Road Trip

After having worked for 7  days straight, I was invited to join Jess and Aileen on an impromptu road trip to Tofino. We were let off a bit early on Sunday afternoon and spent 2 nights camping in Ucluelet. It was such an invigorating and much needed time for me for a variety of reasons. I felt very privileged to be invited by these two ladies whom I have not known for very long. They were very generous and open to sharing this experience together and we formed some connections and memories over these days. Both Aileen and I had never been to Tofino before so it was a big deal for us! Being back on the coast was a powerful experience for me. I know that Vancouver is technically ‘the coast’ however it has a very different feel and energy about it compared to the wild and expansive coastline of Vancouver Island. I grew up on a very similar coastal environment on the Atlantic so it really brought me back to my roots and reconnected me to my childhood and adolescent years.

IMG_3088Another big accomplishment we reached on the trip was the chance to go surfing for the first time! (For Aileen and myself atleast) Jess was a wonderful guide and did her best to share her knowledge with us while we frolicked in the water and got ravaged by many waves. Surfing is something that has been on my bucket list for YEARS now so it felt wonderful to finally try it out. I felt like I was conquering some fears and really just embracing the opportunities that come up unexpectedly.

This trip also included some wonderful camp fire conversations, s’mores and tasty beer and food. The communities of Uclulet and Tofino are quite special and have this kind of slow life vibe that I have missed so dearly since living in an urban setting. It was nice to be able to take the time to chat with the locals and ask questions, we made some fantastic connections between all of our lives as we had friends who happened to be friends in this tiny little pocket of the world.



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