
IMG_2436I am originally from the Maritimes, however have grown to have many homes throughout Canada over the past years of my life. Born in the small community of Cherry Hill on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, I attended a 90 student Elementary school in rural NS. I then went on to a large high school in our local town of Bridgewater, and graduated with my French immersion diploma in 2008. From here I was uncertain what and where to study in terms of formal education so I worked for some time and took off solo to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. I spent 3 months learning Spanish and volunteering with tortoise breeding facilities on the Islands.

Upon arriving back on Canadian soil, my next move was to Halifax where I spent 4 years attending Dalhousie University, studying Theatre and specializing in Costume Design. My undergraduate years were an insightful and spiritually enriching experience, which flew by leaving me with many fond memories and a deep desire to make positive changes in our world.

During my third year of study, a new form of light entered my life when I met my partner, Sam. A born and raised Yukon man, we took off to the great white North to explore and build our life together. From here we moved around Canada quite often, spending some more time in Nova Scotia and Whitehorse and finally making our way to Vancouver to further our formal education.

From my experiences in life so far, I have gained a deep and profound respect for nature, staying connected to the earth and taking time to be outside are of huge importance in my life and continue to provide a great source of inspiration. I love finding new ways to live sustainably in our consumer driven world and I hope to share this love with my students and colleagues. The arts (in its many forms) have always been an outlet and source of great pleasure for me. I enjoy having the ability to design and create clothing from a preliminary sketch all the way up to the finished garment. It is an incredibly satisfying and useful skill to have.

Choosing teaching as my profession