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Research Group Proposal


This is our Conference Presentation blog site for our  English 470: Canadian Literary Genre: Canadian Studies course at the University of British Columbia, located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Musqueam People.  As mentioned by professor Erika Paterson, English 470 “provides a scholarly study of Canadian literature in a historical context with a focus on the intersections and departures between European and Indigenous traditions of literature and orature”. This conference presentation stems from our intersections of European and Indigenous literature and is concerned with innovative ways to intervene in the future direction of Canadian Literature.


Team Members

Bobby Goldsmith

Rabia Khan

Julia Pressman

Milica Komad


Area of Interest:

The CanLit guide on Indigenous Literary Nationalism explores “how we define and who gets to define the appropriate form of language and literature” in Canada. Throughout our studies, Thomas King’s provoking idea that we are our stories, and that we have the ability to take them and do as we please with them in order to make them our own, has resonated with our group.

Inspired by new media technologies and stemming from Ian Rae’s The Case for Digital Poetics and Larissa Lai Journals in Digital Space: Electronic Circulation, Cultural Commons, and Intellectual Labour, our areas of interest focus around the use of technologies, such as social media, videos, and the interactive inclusion of these tools in literature, to help establish identities that more successfully create a collaborative Canadian literary canon, that should ultimately exceed the current one in place.

Execution Plan:

Brainstorming sessions

Friday July 23th—before noon, decide as a team which intervention we’ve chosen and how we will incorporate our area of interest to best create an interactive, knowledgeable website

Thursday July 24rd—team Google doc brainstorm

–exchange ideas about which intervention tactic we think is most appropriate

Research description drafting

Sunday July 27th—touch base via Facebook chat to ensure we’re on the right track with our individual research

–share all of our research information before noon via Google doc.

–complete last minute editing

Hyper-linked annotated bibliography

Monday July 28th—before noon, proof-read each other’s sections of the annotated bibliography to check for spelling and grammar, and also to ensure we’ve all read each other’s work fully and are engaged with 100% of the content on our website.