Course Introduction

English 301 is an intensive online writing course offered at UBC that allows students to learn and practice writing techniques for navigating the ever-changing world of technology and globalized communication. Although officially called “Technical Writing”, this course goes beyond just techniques as it also teaches protocols and ethics that are upheld across cultures.

As an online course, students of English 301 work through 4 units with weekly assignments. To capture all of their work, each student builds and manages their own personal UBC website where all of their individual work is posted, shared, peer-reviewed and critiqued. It is through this design that students become more comfortable with presenting themselves professionally, reflect on valuable feedback, revise and gain a deeper understanding of the world that will soon welcome them.

Through the guidance of instructor Erika Paterson, and the collaboration with fellow classmates in English 301, students will improve on their current level technical writing skills and be ready to tackle both their academic and professional careers for years to come.

As I am finishing my post-secondary education at UBC in just over a year, I am confident that this course will build on the experience I have to date, while providing me with new techniques and strategies to have a successful future.