
Hello! My name is Jenn Dunbar and I am a fourth-year Arts student majoring in Psychology, with a specific interest in childhood and adolescent cognitive development. I live in Vancouver with my husband, two teenage daughters and our puppy, Georgie. As a mature student, I come to this course with perhaps a unique position. I have 20+ years of work experience in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of advertising as a commercial producer. While I love my job, I have always been fascinated by people and what makes them tick, so in 2018 I decided to take a huge leap and pursue my dream of obtaining a degree in Psychology. So, here I am, five years into my journey with just over one year to go!

Although I have a lot of work experience in professional settings, I can honestly say that I have never given my communication style too much thought. This may sound strange, but since I grew up in the advertising industry at a time when sending documents was still done via fax (crazy, I know!), my writing skills gradually developed alongside the growth of email and the internet. However, the delivery of communication has changed leaps and bounds since then, and my post secondary journey has really made me aware of this. I am excited to see where English 301 will take me as it refines my skills in the way I communicate with my co-workers, clients, and future employers. It is definitely going to reveal my shortcomings and push me into new territory when it comes to communication in both my academic and professional career, but I’m ready!

I look forward to meeting and learning from you all during the semester as I move towards my next chapter.