I’ve got an idea, but how do I make it happen?

Entrepreneurs are often muddled with the problem of finding a new idea, and find themselves asking “What can I do?” over and over again. According to Dartmouth professors Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, entrepreneurs and existing businesses often focus too much on the idea itself, and place little importance on the innovation execution!

In their book, Beyond the Idea, the two explain that the journey of innovation lies, well, beyond the idea! They write that it is a long process which requires time, energy and critical thinking, but it seems that companies often disregard this. They make a good observation in the fact that companies are not built for innovation execution, but rather for continuing operations. Inevitably, operations and innovation are always in conflict.

Innovation and operations are always in conflict!

Their research has led them to three distinct models for efficient execution of innovation initiatives:

1. S is for Small: focuses on small initiatives which can fit into the existing system.
2. R is for Repeatable: systematizes innovation, breaking it down to repeatable tasks.
3. C is for customized: unique initiatives, separate from operations, creating special teams and plans.

Business use whichever model fits best for their situation.

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