Craft store in spotlight for alleged anti-semitism

Hobby Lobby, a U.S. national crafts and goods store, is under scrutiny after recent outbursts caused by the company’s apparent lack of Jewish holiday merchandise. The story went public when New Jersey blogger Ken Berwitz found out that his wife’s friends, upon asking an employee in a retail store about bar mitzvah cards, were told that Hobby Lobby “doesn’t cater to [people like them].”

Berwitz was quick to write about the incident, and called the store at which it had occured in an attempt to find out the reason behind the exclusion of Jewish holiday products, only to be told that it was due to Hobby Lobby’s owner, billionaire Steve Green, who is of christian faith. When Berwitz contacted the company’s headquarters, he was given no explanation.

Hobby Lobby has over 560 stores nationwide in the United States.

The story grew quickly, as Berwitz used his position as a blogger to shine light on the issue; Hobby Lobby’s reputation has taken a serious hit as a result. Customer relationships are now strained as the Jewish community speaks out in outrage. The company must now perform damage control and take proper actions in order to move past this incident.

The company has since offered a public apology, as well as promising to sell Jewish holiday items in areas near large Jewish populations.

14 thoughts on “Craft store in spotlight for alleged anti-semitism

  1. Hmmmmmm interesting…… I would have to disagree with the above poster… my son is in the us and Bulgarian military (secret son) and I find it quite disturbing that you have posted this comment. See the comments from the late Alan discharge for my thought- they aim them up quite well, and good day and thats all and tha. You.

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