The Golden Rule

“Treat others as you would want to be treated”. This philosophy is wide-spread and critically acclaimed; it is described as the “golden rule” – the ideal principle that governs our actions in life. It has been seen as a crucial guiding principle in management, but is it really?

Research is beginning to show the rule is flawed. It appears that by treating people the way we want to be treated, it is probable that we are actually treating them inappropriately. By following the Golden Rule, we are, implicitly, forcing our ideas and beliefs onto others – something most people would agree is problematic.

Introducing the Golden Rule 2.0: treat others as they would want to be treated. This works towards meeting people’s personal expectations and desires, as opposed to your own, and focuses on recognizing people for who they are which is the fundamental core of any relationship, be it personal or professional.

Leaders can follow three simple strategies to avoid the problems that arise from the Golden Rule:

  1. Remember that your way is not the best or only way!
  2. Ask a lot of questions! Feedback is crucial.
  3. Learn your team’s strengths, and build on them! 

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