I bet you saw the Toms Shoes, but did you know them?



“With every pairs you purchase,

Toms will give a pair of new shoes to

a Child in needs, one for one.”



That comment is the title of the website of TOMS SHOES Canada. Their motto is that if you purchase TOMS shoes, you are joining the socially responsible volunteering.

Actually, Shopping is one of the most selfish or egocentric actions among what normal people regularly. Even if you buy something for others, shopping is totally related your stand and it is meaningful to yourself.

But, I think TOMS marketing concept, ‘sharing’ is changing the paradigm of “what is shopping.” Because you can buy your shoes as well as help others in need.







They are starting a new business, selling Glasses. And their another project is going on.

Imagine what you can do if you buy new glasses. TOMS can do and you can do too.


(Source of picture, http://www.tomsshoes.ca/share-documentary)


one for one movement