
Welcome to Terry’s web folio! I’m excited to have you here and share my journey toward becoming a software engineer. This web folio serves as a platform to showcase my marketable skills and achievements in the field. Whether you’re a potential employer or just someone interested in my work, I hope you’ll find this web folio informative and engaging.

The purpose of this web folio is to highlight my marketable skills and demonstrate my potential as a software engineer. As a student of computer science, I have taken various courses that have equipped me with the technical skills necessary for this field. However, my experience in English 301 has taught me the importance of effective communication in a professional context. This web folio serves as a reflection of my growth in both technical and communication skills, and I hope it demonstrates my readiness to contribute to the industry.

To help you navigate this web folio, here is a brief overview of the pages you’ll find:

  • Home: You’re here! This page provides an introduction to the web folio and the purpose behind it.
  • Bio: This page offers a brief overview of my background and qualifications as a software engineer.
  • Blog: The reflection blogs offer insights into my thought processes and development in the field and in English 301.
  • Resume: The resume page showcases my qualifications and experiences for a software engineer position.
  • Application Package: The application package features my tailored cover letter and resume demonstrating my readiness for the software engineering position.
  • My Best Works: The Best Works page showcases my ability to communicate complex information effectively through peer reviews, formal reports, a LinkedIn memo, and other relevant work from English 301.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my web folio. I hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I have enjoyed putting it together.