Monthly Archives: February 2023

Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Definition, Peer Review, and Revision

Writing the first draft of the Technical Definition Writing a technical definitions document about a complex term such as natural recursion is no easy feat. It requires extensive research, a deep understanding of the concept, and effective communication skills to … Continue reading

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Writing Team Request Email #3

from: Terry Chou <> to: Daniel Kim <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 8:45 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Request Dear Daniel, My name is Terry Chou, I’m a first-year student in the second-degree Computer Science program (BCS), and also … Continue reading

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Writing Team Response Email #2

from: Terry Chou <> to: Yiyu Li <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 5:36 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response Dear Yiyu, I have received an invitation from Miranda to join your professional writing team, and I am more than … Continue reading

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Writing Team Response Email #1

from: Terry Chou <> to: Miranda Tang <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 3:36 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response Dear Miranda,  Thank you so much for your invitation to join your professional writing team with Yiyu Li, I am … Continue reading

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