Writing Team Response Email #2

to: Yiyu Li <rainyli817@gmail.com>
date: Feb 01, 2023, 5:36 PM
subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response

Dear Yiyu,

I have received an invitation from Miranda to join your professional writing team, and I am more than delighted to formally accept this invitation. After carefully reading your application letter, I am confident that the interpersonal skills you gained from your nursing degree, and the problem-solving abilities acquired from your current computer science Co-op experience will definitely pay dividends in our group work. As a BCS student myself, I have no doubt our diverse academic backgrounds will add different perspectives to our team dynamic, and our shared passion for the field of computer science will ultimately make us an effective thriving team.

Please review the application letter attached below for reference and feel free to let me know if you have further questions. Thank you so much again for this exciting opportunity, I cannot wait for this learning journey to begin!


Terry Chou


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