Unit 4 Reflection Blog: Web Folio

Creating my own web folio was a challenging yet rewarding experience for me. As a beginner, I was initially intimidated by the thought of designing and building a website from scratch. However, I found the resources provided by the textbook and the instructor’s blog to be incredibly helpful in guiding me through the process.

At the beginning of the process, I was overwhelmed by the thought of creating a website from the ground up. I spent a significant amount of time researching and selecting a design that would best reflect my personal brand and highlight my marketable skills. I also carefully organized my content, selecting only the most relevant and impressive pieces to feature on my web folio. This helped me to showcase my work and achievements in a visually appealing and professional manner.

As I began building my web folio, I found myself challenged by the technical aspects of the process. However, the experience helped me to develop my skills in web design and content creation. I learned how to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of my web folio through various methods. The process required me to think creatively and problem-solve on my own, which helped me to refine and improve my web folio even further.

Overall, creating a web folio was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to showcase my marketable skills and develop new technical and design skills. I am now more confident in my ability to apply these skills in a professional context, whether it be building a personal website or contributing to web design and development projects.


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