My Best Work

This page showcases the collection of my best works from past assignments throughout ENGL 301 that display my growth as a technical writer. This portfolio not only demonstrates my writing skills but also highlights my ability to effectively communicate complex technical information. As a passionate computer science student pursuing a career in the tech industry, these skills are crucial for me to succeed in my field. The ability to communicate technical information effectively is particularly important in the software industry, where clear communication is vital for teamwork and project management. The revisions I made based on peer review and instructor feedback demonstrate my commitment to continuous improvement, a trait that is critical in the constantly evolving field of computer science. This portfolio not only serves as a testament to my writing abilities but also as evidence of my progress towards becoming a successful software engineer.

Definition Assignment

The purpose of completing this assignment is to provide a clear and concise understanding of a complicated technical term, “Natural Recursion,” to an audience who may have limited knowledge of computing terminologies or technical skills. The assignment achieves this by providing a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term. The parenthetical and sentence definitions provide brief but effective explanations of the term, while the expanded definition delves into more detail, including the derivation of the term, the principles of natural recursion, and a practical example.

Revised Definition Assignment

Definition Assignment Peer Review

This peer review provides feedback on a document about weight stigma, outlining its strengths in clear organization and informative content, while also suggesting areas for improvement, such as explicitly defining the term before presenting examples and providing a brief explanation for the chosen visual. Overall, this review helps Yiyu refine her work and improve its effectiveness for the intended audience while also aiding in my own writing development.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal

As a current TA for CPSC 110 at UBC, I have proposed a formal report addressing the issue of academic misconduct in the course. The purpose of this proposal is to provide recommendations to the CPSC 110 Teaching Team on how to prevent and address academic misconduct in a fair and consistent manner. The proposed solution is to implement additional training sessions or workshops for the teaching assistants, which will enable them to identify and address suspected academic misconduct. By promoting a culture of academic integrity and reducing the incidence of academic misconduct in the course, we can uphold the reputation of the institution and ensure that students receive a fair and just learning experience. As a TA with extensive experience in the course, I believe that my qualifications make me uniquely positioned to contribute valuable recommendations to the CPSC 110 Teaching Team.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Progress Report with Surveys

In this memo, I provide Dr. Paterson with a comprehensive update on the progress report and survey I conducted to address the issue of academic misconduct in CPSC 110 at UBC. I have identified the intended audience, purpose, significance, and objectives of the report. I have also outlined my research plan, including primary and secondary data collection methods and a writing schedule.

Revised Progress Report with Surveys

Proposal Memo

This memo serves as a summary of my formal report proposal for addressing academic misconduct in CPSC 110.

Revised Proposal Memo

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

In this memo, I share ten best practices for building a strong professional network on LinkedIn. Some examples include creating a professional profile picture and banner, adding relevant keywords, and connecting with alumni, recruiters, and active professionals in the field. Overall, this memo provides valuable insights on how to leverage LinkedIn for professional networking, job searching, and career advancement.

Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

The purpose of this memo is to provide guidance on how to write effective and professional emails to professors. The memo highlights several best practices, including using a clear subject line, addressing the professor with the appropriate title, and expressing gratitude. The memo also emphasizes the importance of effective email writing in academic settings and how following these guidelines can increase the likelihood of successful communication.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Formal Report Peer Review

The purpose of the peer review was to provide feedback to Daniel Kim, a member of the Segfault team, on his formal report draft for increasing affordability in transportation for UBC students and staff members. The review evaluates the introduction, data section, content, organization, style, design, and grammar and typos of the draft. The review highlights the strengths of the report, such as the clear and concise introduction and the well-written background section. It also suggests improvements, such as incorporating more specific and recent data and statistics, providing more actionable recommendations, and using more inclusive language.

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report