Letter of Application

Dear English 301 Students:

Please accept this letter of interest in forming a writing team for English 301. I offer a high level of writing proficiency gained from a previous degree and am currently studying new skill sets in the Computer Science program. I will bring a quick learning capacity and a strong focus on details and experience with collaboration techniques to our team.

My professional interests would be to enhance my technical writing ability to facilitate efficient communication and reduce misunderstandings in the technology industry. My academic background includes achieving a Bachelor of Science degree in Food, Nutrition, and Health at UBC, which helped me develop university-level writing skills by writing many reports and papers throughout my formal education. I have taken and passed the English Exemption Exam at UBC last term, which not only granted me an exemption of 3 credits of English Literature, but it is a demonstration of my writing skills in a stressful setting. As a current TA in the Computer Science department, I also have the opportunity to gain many crucial soft skills that are invaluable for working in a group, such as leadership, cooperation, and communication.

My strengths include strong research skills gained from my previous degree at UBC that allow me to effectively search for, organize, and analyze relevant information. I also developed new tools such as logical thinking and attention to detail from my current degree in Computer Science, which is extremely essential in technical writing. Although I believe my background provides a unique perspective to a professional writing team, my weakness lies in the fact that I have not taken any English course since the first year of my previous degree, so more practice is still needed to regain my fluency in writing. In terms of work habits, I like to be organized by planning ahead while also preserving enough time to double-check everything before submitting. My learning philosophy is that to teach is to learn twice, as I believe that a complete grasp of a concept is reflected by the ability to clearly explain it to someone else.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please find a copy of my application letter here: 301_Terry_Chou_Application_Letter.

Also, please feel free to contact me by email: chouterr@students.cs.ubc.ca


Terry Chou

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