Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Definition, Peer Review, and Revision

Writing the first draft of the Technical Definition

Writing a technical definitions document about a complex term such as natural recursion is no easy feat. It requires extensive research, a deep understanding of the concept, and effective communication skills to convey the information clearly. The goal of this assignment was to explain natural recursion to an audience with limited knowledge of computer science terminology, making it essential to create concise, clear, and accessible definitions for beginners.

During the writing process, I learned how to write three different types of definitions: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded. The parenthetical definition provides a brief and straightforward explanation of natural recursion, while the sentence definition expands on it and adds more detail. The expanded definition offers a comprehensive explanation of natural recursion, including its parts, operating principles, and examples. I also learned that there are various strategies to expand definitions, but using examples proved to be an effective method for explaining complex mathematical or computer science terms to non-technical readers.

Overall, writing the definitions was a significant challenge that required careful research, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate complex concepts to a beginner audience. However, this writing exercise allowed me to learn the different ways of defining a technical term and ultimately improved my technical writing skills.

Peer Review Process

During this stage of the assignment, I had the opportunity to provide feedback on a draft written by my team member, Yiyu Li. This experience exemplifies how peer reviews can benefit both the writer and the reviewer. Through my suggestions for improvements, I not only helped Yiyu refine her work but also gained valuable insights and learning opportunities for myself.

I appreciated how Yiyu’s document provides a clear and concise breakdown of the different categories of complicated technical terms, such as weight stigma, which can help an audience with no prior knowledge understand the complexity of the issue. However, I suggested minor revisions to provide more context and organize the information in a logical and easy-to-follow manner to further enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the writing.

Overall, this peer review process was a valuable learning experience. By reviewing someone else’s work, I gained a deeper understanding of how to define a technical subject and improved my own skills in writing, communication, and critical thinking.

Revision Process

As a writer, feedback on one’s work is invaluable. Yiyu’s peer review provided valuable insights and suggestions for improving my assignment on the term “natural recursion”. This process reminded me of the importance of revision and how constructive criticism can help refine and improve my work.

One of the key lessons I learned from Yiyu’s feedback is the importance of organization. Her suggestions on adding a title to the figure and narrowing the spaces between the three types of definitions helped me make small yet significant improvements to the visual layout of my document. Additionally, Yiyu pointed out that the citation format needed correction and that there were missing citations, emphasizing the need for accuracy and attention to detail when referencing sources.

Furthermore, her suggestion to shorten the expanded definition proved useful as it helped me identify and remove redundant or unnecessary parts in my writing. Overall, the revision process was a positive experience for me. Although it can be challenging to receive feedback on my work, I found Yiyu’s comments to be constructive and helpful. I believe that the changes I made as a result of her feedback improved the quality of my document and made me a better technical writer.

Links to Revised Definition: Revised Definition

Links to Peer’s Review: Peer’s Review

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