Author Archives: Terry Chou

Unit 4 Reflection Blog: Web Folio

Creating my own web folio was a challenging yet rewarding experience for me. As a beginner, I was initially intimidated by the thought of designing and building a website from scratch. However, I found the resources provided by the textbook … Continue reading

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Self-Assessment Reflection

As I reflect on my performance in this course, I recognize that my attention to detail is one of my strengths, which will be valuable in the computer science industry. The technical writing assignments in English 301, such as reflection … Continue reading

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Unit 3 Reflection: Peer Review and Formal Report Draft

Formal Report Draft Reflecting on the process of researching, organizing, and writing this formal report draft on academic misconduct in CPSC 110 at the University of British Columbia, I realized the importance of organization and clear communication in conducting effective … Continue reading

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Unit 2 Reflection: LinkedIn Best Practices, Formal Report Proposal, and Peer Review

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo Upon entering this unit, I already had a LinkedIn profile set up. However, this assignment enabled me to enhance my profile further. The first task involved compiling a list of best practices for LinkedIn and creating … Continue reading

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Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Definition, Peer Review, and Revision

Writing the first draft of the Technical Definition Writing a technical definitions document about a complex term such as natural recursion is no easy feat. It requires extensive research, a deep understanding of the concept, and effective communication skills to … Continue reading

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Writing Team Request Email #3

from: Terry Chou <> to: Daniel Kim <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 8:45 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Request Dear Daniel, My name is Terry Chou, I’m a first-year student in the second-degree Computer Science program (BCS), and also … Continue reading

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Writing Team Response Email #2

from: Terry Chou <> to: Yiyu Li <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 5:36 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response Dear Yiyu, I have received an invitation from Miranda to join your professional writing team, and I am more than … Continue reading

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Writing Team Response Email #1

from: Terry Chou <> to: Miranda Tang <> date: Feb 01, 2023, 3:36 PM subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response Dear Miranda,  Thank you so much for your invitation to join your professional writing team with Yiyu Li, I am … Continue reading

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Email Memorandum

MEMORANDUM To:                    Instructor Erika Paterson From:               Student Terry Chou Date:                January 27, 2023 Subject:           Confirmation of Application Letter Posting As you requested in … Continue reading

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Letter of Application

Dear English 301 Students: Please accept this letter of interest in forming a writing team for English 301. I offer a high level of writing proficiency gained from a previous degree and am currently studying new skill sets in the … Continue reading

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