Unit 4 Reflection Blog: Web Folio

Creating my own web folio was a challenging yet rewarding experience for me. As a beginner, I was initially intimidated by the thought of designing and building a website from scratch. However, I found the resources provided by the textbook and the instructor’s blog to be incredibly helpful in guiding me through the process.

At the beginning of the process, I was overwhelmed by the thought of creating a website from the ground up. I spent a significant amount of time researching and selecting a design that would best reflect my personal brand and highlight my marketable skills. I also carefully organized my content, selecting only the most relevant and impressive pieces to feature on my web folio. This helped me to showcase my work and achievements in a visually appealing and professional manner.

As I began building my web folio, I found myself challenged by the technical aspects of the process. However, the experience helped me to develop my skills in web design and content creation. I learned how to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of my web folio through various methods. The process required me to think creatively and problem-solve on my own, which helped me to refine and improve my web folio even further.

Overall, creating a web folio was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to showcase my marketable skills and develop new technical and design skills. I am now more confident in my ability to apply these skills in a professional context, whether it be building a personal website or contributing to web design and development projects.


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Self-Assessment Reflection

As I reflect on my performance in this course, I recognize that my attention to detail is one of my strengths, which will be valuable in the computer science industry. The technical writing assignments in English 301, such as reflection blogs, peer reviews, best practices for LinkedIn, and writing formal reports, have played a crucial role in developing my attention to detail and accuracy. In particular, writing a formal report and conducting a survey challenged me to analyze complex information and present it in a clear and concise manner. These assignments taught me the importance of careful planning and attention to detail, which is essential for developing and communicating technical projects. These skills and experiences will be valuable assets as I pursue my future career in computer science.

Although I have this strength, I also acknowledge that time management has been a weakness for me. With multiple assignments due in a short time frame, I initially found it challenging to keep up with the workload. However, through this experience, I learned the importance of prioritizing tasks and breaking down larger assignments into smaller, manageable tasks. This has helped me become more organized and focused, and I now have a better understanding of how to manage my time effectively. As a student juggling multiple courses and responsibilities, such as TAing, I now feel better equipped to balance my commitments and meet deadlines. This experience has taught me valuable skills that I believe will be useful in any career path.

In addition to attention to detail and time management, I have discovered that problem-solving and critical thinking are strengths of mine. The technical writing assignments in English 301, for instance, the best practices for LinkedIn, have given me the opportunity to learn how to create a professional online presence and build connections, which are essential for networking in the computer science industry. Moreover, peer review has enabled me to both provide and receive constructive criticism, a skill that is vital in the collaborative environment of the computer science industry. These experiences have further honed my problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities, and I am eager to apply them in my future career.

Overall, this course has been a valuable learning experience that has helped me develop both my technical and soft skills. Through self-reflection, I have identified areas for improvement and will continue to work on developing a strong work ethic and time management skills. I am excited to continue learning and growing as I pursue a career in the computer science industry.

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Unit 3 Reflection: Peer Review and Formal Report Draft

Formal Report Draft

Reflecting on the process of researching, organizing, and writing this formal report draft on academic misconduct in CPSC 110 at the University of British Columbia, I realized the importance of organization and clear communication in conducting effective research. From the initial step of researching and gathering relevant information to presenting the results and recommendations, a systematic approach was critical.

One of the key lessons I learned in creating the formal report outline was the importance of a clear and concise introduction. It was essential to provide background information on CPSC 110 and the significance of academic integrity in academic settings. The statement of the problem section identified the problem of academic misconduct in CPSC 110 and its negative consequences. The purpose and intended audience section outlined the report’s objective and target audience, while the description of data sources provided information on the primary and secondary data sources used to develop the report. A well-structured introduction helped to set the tone and provide a clear direction for the report.

Another crucial concept that I learned was the importance of the “you attitude” in formal report writing. This involves phrasing statements in a way that shows consideration for the reader’s perspective and interests. By doing so, the report becomes more engaging, and the reader is more likely to be interested in the content presented.

Additionally, I learned that it is important to rephrase negative statements as positive. In conducting the primary research of the online survey, it was necessary to ask questions in a way that did not lead the respondent to provide biased or negative responses. By rephrasing questions positively, respondents were more likely to provide honest and constructive feedback, which helped to improve the accuracy and reliability of the research results.

In conclusion, the process of researching, organizing, and writing this formal report draft was a comprehensive and rigorous process that required attention to detail and a systematic approach. By following a structured approach and incorporating concepts such as the importance of organization, the “you attitude,” and positive phrasing, the report was able to provide a clear overview of the problem, present relevant data, and propose effective solutions to address academic misconduct in CPSC 110 at the University of British Columbia.

Peer Review

As I reviewed Daniel Kim’s formal report draft on increasing affordability in transportation for UBC students and staff members, I was reminded of the importance of paying attention to detail in peer review. By carefully examining the draft, I was able to identify areas where improvements could be made and suggest specific changes to help enhance the quality of the report.

Through this experience, I learned that providing specific feedback and suggestions for improvement is essential to the peer review process. It not only helps the writer to identify areas for improvement, but it also helps to ensure that the report is accurate, well-written, and well-organized. In particular, attention to detail is critical when it comes to reviewing technical reports, where small errors or inconsistencies can have significant consequences.

In terms of Daniel’s draft, I was impressed with the clear and concise introduction that outlined the report’s scope and objectives. However, I suggested that providing more specific information about UBC’s transportation services would enhance the section. In addition, I recommended that more recent data and statistics be included in the report to ensure that the information presented is up-to-date.

Overall, I found that the organization of the draft was clear and effective, with each section flowing logically into the next. However, I suggested that breaking up large chunks of text and providing clearer transitions between sections would help to improve the readability of the report.

In terms of style, I appreciated the report’s objective and positive tone, but recommended the use of more inclusive language to make the report more accessible to a wider audience. Finally, I identified a few minor grammatical errors that could be corrected to ensure the report’s accuracy.

In conclusion, the experience of reviewing Daniel’s draft taught me the importance of paying attention to detail in peer review. By carefully examining the report and providing specific feedback, I was able to help improve the quality of the final product.

Links to Formal Report Draft: Revised Report Proposal

Links to Formal Report Draft Peer Review: Formal Report Draft Peer Review

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Unit 2 Reflection: LinkedIn Best Practices, Formal Report Proposal, and Peer Review

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Upon entering this unit, I already had a LinkedIn profile set up. However, this assignment enabled me to enhance my profile further. The first task involved compiling a list of best practices for LinkedIn and creating a memorandum for the team. While establishing a professional social media network can be daunting, I now recognize its significance in building a thriving career in the current digital age. The research process of creating a LinkedIn profile was a valuable experience that helped me comprehend the importance of having a professional online presence.

My research enabled me to discover the best practices for creating a robust professional network on LinkedIn. For instance, customizing your URL can make your profile more impressive and professional-looking. I am confident that my memo will assist my Segfault team members in achieving their professional objectives. Additionally, I realized that connecting with as many people as possible can expand your network and increase your visibility on LinkedIn, thereby getting you noticed by recruiters.

Overall, I feel enthusiastic and empowered to continue building my professional network on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. By investing time and effort in creating a compelling online presence, I can attain my career aspirations and support others in doing the same.

Formal Report Proposal and Outline

The process of brainstorming and preparing my formal report proposal and outline was a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. At first, I was intimidated by the task of finding a topic that would allow me to conduct primary research and write a substantial report. However, after spending some time brainstorming, I was able to settle on a topic that I am passionate about.

As I worked on the proposal, I gained a deeper understanding of the key components of a successful proposal. I learned about the importance of structuring the proposal in a way that clearly outlines the problem, proposes a solution, and defines the scope and audience. I also learned that it is essential to define the target reader and provide background information before introducing the problem. This approach helps to engage the reader and build their understanding and investment in the issue.

Writing the scope of the proposal was particularly helpful in guiding my research direction and providing clarity to the reader about the goals of the report. While the first draft of the proposal was challenging, I feel that I have improved my technical writing skills and gained valuable insights into the research process.

Peer Review

During this assignment, I reviewed a report proposal written by my team member, Yiyu Li. This experience taught me the benefits of peer reviews for both the writer and the reviewer. My suggestions for improvement not only helped Yiyu refine her work but also provided valuable insights for myself.

In my peer review, I recognized the significance of providing specific details and evidence to support arguments. Yiyu Li’s proposal on the doctor-to-patient ratio in China and the limitations of nurse prescribing was well-structured, with a clear introduction and effective solution. However, I suggested adding more information on potential benefits and drawbacks, specific examples, data, and evidence to strengthen the proposal, and expanding the research questions. The proposal had significant potential to improve healthcare delivery in China but could be further enhanced with more details.

This peer review process taught me the importance of providing specific, constructive, and supportive feedback. It also helped me become more critical of my own work and pay more attention to detail. Furthermore, reviewing someone else’s work allowed me to learn from different writing styles and techniques and apply them to my own work.

Overall, this peer review was a valuable learning experience. It provided me with a deeper understanding of how to write a proposal for a formal report and improved my skills in writing, communication, and critical thinking.

Links to Revised Report Proposal: Revised Report Proposal

Links to Proposal Peer Review: Proposal Peer Review

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Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Definition, Peer Review, and Revision

Writing the first draft of the Technical Definition

Writing a technical definitions document about a complex term such as natural recursion is no easy feat. It requires extensive research, a deep understanding of the concept, and effective communication skills to convey the information clearly. The goal of this assignment was to explain natural recursion to an audience with limited knowledge of computer science terminology, making it essential to create concise, clear, and accessible definitions for beginners.

During the writing process, I learned how to write three different types of definitions: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded. The parenthetical definition provides a brief and straightforward explanation of natural recursion, while the sentence definition expands on it and adds more detail. The expanded definition offers a comprehensive explanation of natural recursion, including its parts, operating principles, and examples. I also learned that there are various strategies to expand definitions, but using examples proved to be an effective method for explaining complex mathematical or computer science terms to non-technical readers.

Overall, writing the definitions was a significant challenge that required careful research, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate complex concepts to a beginner audience. However, this writing exercise allowed me to learn the different ways of defining a technical term and ultimately improved my technical writing skills.

Peer Review Process

During this stage of the assignment, I had the opportunity to provide feedback on a draft written by my team member, Yiyu Li. This experience exemplifies how peer reviews can benefit both the writer and the reviewer. Through my suggestions for improvements, I not only helped Yiyu refine her work but also gained valuable insights and learning opportunities for myself.

I appreciated how Yiyu’s document provides a clear and concise breakdown of the different categories of complicated technical terms, such as weight stigma, which can help an audience with no prior knowledge understand the complexity of the issue. However, I suggested minor revisions to provide more context and organize the information in a logical and easy-to-follow manner to further enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the writing.

Overall, this peer review process was a valuable learning experience. By reviewing someone else’s work, I gained a deeper understanding of how to define a technical subject and improved my own skills in writing, communication, and critical thinking.

Revision Process

As a writer, feedback on one’s work is invaluable. Yiyu’s peer review provided valuable insights and suggestions for improving my assignment on the term “natural recursion”. This process reminded me of the importance of revision and how constructive criticism can help refine and improve my work.

One of the key lessons I learned from Yiyu’s feedback is the importance of organization. Her suggestions on adding a title to the figure and narrowing the spaces between the three types of definitions helped me make small yet significant improvements to the visual layout of my document. Additionally, Yiyu pointed out that the citation format needed correction and that there were missing citations, emphasizing the need for accuracy and attention to detail when referencing sources.

Furthermore, her suggestion to shorten the expanded definition proved useful as it helped me identify and remove redundant or unnecessary parts in my writing. Overall, the revision process was a positive experience for me. Although it can be challenging to receive feedback on my work, I found Yiyu’s comments to be constructive and helpful. I believe that the changes I made as a result of her feedback improved the quality of my document and made me a better technical writer.

Links to Revised Definition: Revised Definition

Links to Peer’s Review: Peer’s Review

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Writing Team Request Email #3

to: Daniel Kim <dkim98@student.ubc.ca>
date: Feb 01, 2023, 8:45 PM
subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Request

Dear Daniel,

My name is Terry Chou, I’m a first-year student in the second-degree Computer Science program (BCS), and also a classmate of yours in English 301. After reading through your application letter, I would love to invite you to join our professional writing team with Miranda, Yiyu, and myself. I believe your experience in applying technical writing skills in a real-world setting, such as your internship at a sports agency will give us a head start in many writing tasks to come. Your perseverance demonstrated as a computer science student is also greatly needed in our writing team, as writing is an art that requires patience and dedication to see results. Having you on our team will definitely make us an efficient team that thrives even in stressful situations.

Please review the application letter attached below for reference and feel free to let me know if you have further questions. Thank you so much again for this exciting opportunity, I cannot wait for this learning journey to begin!


Terry Chou


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Writing Team Response Email #2

to: Yiyu Li <rainyli817@gmail.com>
date: Feb 01, 2023, 5:36 PM
subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response

Dear Yiyu,

I have received an invitation from Miranda to join your professional writing team, and I am more than delighted to formally accept this invitation. After carefully reading your application letter, I am confident that the interpersonal skills you gained from your nursing degree, and the problem-solving abilities acquired from your current computer science Co-op experience will definitely pay dividends in our group work. As a BCS student myself, I have no doubt our diverse academic backgrounds will add different perspectives to our team dynamic, and our shared passion for the field of computer science will ultimately make us an effective thriving team.

Please review the application letter attached below for reference and feel free to let me know if you have further questions. Thank you so much again for this exciting opportunity, I cannot wait for this learning journey to begin!


Terry Chou


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Writing Team Response Email #1

to: Miranda Tang <mtang78@student.ubc.ca>
date: Feb 01, 2023, 3:36 PM
subject: ENGL 301: Writing Team Response

Dear Miranda, 

Thank you so much for your invitation to join your professional writing team with Yiyu Li, I am more than delighted to formally accept this invitation. After carefully reading your invitation email and application letter, I am extremely thrilled at the opportunity to collaborate with 2 fellow BCS students this term. I believe your effective communication abilities acquired through your previous education degree in China, and your solid English skills gained from the many different English courses you have taken will be valuable assets for our writing team. Even though we come from different academic backgrounds, I am confident that our shared passion for the technology field will no doubt make us an effective team that complements each other well.

I have attached my application letter as a reference, please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you so much again for this exciting opportunity, I cannot wait for our learning journey to begin!


Terry Chou


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Email Memorandum


To:                    Instructor Erika Paterson

From:               Student Terry Chou

Date:                January 27, 2023

Subject:           Confirmation of Application Letter Posting

As you requested in Unit 1 Lesson 2, I have posted my letter of application in search of joining a professional writing team in English 301 on my student blog. Attached to this memo please find a copy of the letter below.

The attached letter of application includes:

  • An overview of my professional interests in technology, my work experience, and my academic background.
  • A description of my strengths and weaknesses in writing and communication.
  • A summary of my work habits and learning philosophy.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application letter and please let me know if you require any additional information. I look forward to your feedback.


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Letter of Application

Dear English 301 Students:

Please accept this letter of interest in forming a writing team for English 301. I offer a high level of writing proficiency gained from a previous degree and am currently studying new skill sets in the Computer Science program. I will bring a quick learning capacity and a strong focus on details and experience with collaboration techniques to our team.

My professional interests would be to enhance my technical writing ability to facilitate efficient communication and reduce misunderstandings in the technology industry. My academic background includes achieving a Bachelor of Science degree in Food, Nutrition, and Health at UBC, which helped me develop university-level writing skills by writing many reports and papers throughout my formal education. I have taken and passed the English Exemption Exam at UBC last term, which not only granted me an exemption of 3 credits of English Literature, but it is a demonstration of my writing skills in a stressful setting. As a current TA in the Computer Science department, I also have the opportunity to gain many crucial soft skills that are invaluable for working in a group, such as leadership, cooperation, and communication.

My strengths include strong research skills gained from my previous degree at UBC that allow me to effectively search for, organize, and analyze relevant information. I also developed new tools such as logical thinking and attention to detail from my current degree in Computer Science, which is extremely essential in technical writing. Although I believe my background provides a unique perspective to a professional writing team, my weakness lies in the fact that I have not taken any English course since the first year of my previous degree, so more practice is still needed to regain my fluency in writing. In terms of work habits, I like to be organized by planning ahead while also preserving enough time to double-check everything before submitting. My learning philosophy is that to teach is to learn twice, as I believe that a complete grasp of a concept is reflected by the ability to clearly explain it to someone else.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please find a copy of my application letter here: 301_Terry_Chou_Application_Letter.

Also, please feel free to contact me by email: chouterr@students.cs.ubc.ca


Terry Chou

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