Reflection Blogs

As I continue to progress through this course, I have had the opportunity to reflect on various topics and assignments, each providing unique insights and lessons that have helped me grow as a writer and communicator. In my Unit 1 Reflection Blog, I reflected on the importance of technical definitions, the value of peer review, and the process of revision in improving my writing. In Unit 2, I shared my insights on best practices for LinkedIn, formal report proposals, and the value of peer review in refining my work. As I moved onto Unit 3, I reflected on the process of peer review and drafting formal reports, recognizing the importance of clear communication and attention to detail. In Unit 4, I delved into the creation of a Web Folio and the importance of showcasing my skills and experience to potential employers. Finally, in my Self-Assessment Reflection, I evaluated my progress and growth throughout the course, recognizing both my strengths and areas for improvement.

Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Definition, Peer Review, and Revision

Unit 2 Reflection: LinkedIn Best Practices, Formal Report Proposal, and Peer Review

Unit 3 Reflection: Peer Review and Formal Report Draft

Unit 4 Reflection Blog: Web Folio

Self-Assessment Reflection