Online Resume

3rd Year Computer Science (BCS) Major @ UBC 7789175370   Vancouver, Canada

Software engineer intern position with the opportunity to return

Languages (Java, C++, C, Python, Racket) | Front-End (JavaScript, React.js, HTML, CSS, Material UI)
Developer Tools (Git, GitHub, JSON, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, VS Code, Jupyter, Swing) | Back-End (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js)

University of British Columbia (UBC)
Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS)
Sep 2022 – May 2025
Vancouver, Canada

  • BCS GPA: 4.00
  • Relevant Coursework: Basic Algorithms and Data Structures (93%, C++), Computation, Programs, and Programming (94%, Racket)

University of British Columbia (UBC)
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health
Sep 2014 – May 2019
Vancouver, Canada

Social Pulse (Full Stack)
React.js, JavaScript, CSS, Material UI, Firebase
Jul 2022 – Sep 2022

  • Built a social media app using React.js with User Authentication for account login/sign-up.
  • Implemented functionalities such as file uploads, commenting, and liking/unliking posts.
  • Designed interactive User Interface using JavaScript, Material UI, HTML, and CSS.

Dinder(Full Stack App)
MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Material UI, Firebase Hosting
Jun 2022 – Aug 2022

  • Developed a dating app using MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and React.js (MERN) Stack, enabling users to swipe left or right based on profile pictures and programming languages.
  • Created front-end with React.js and designed interactive User Interface with Material UI.
  • Adopted MongoDB for data storage, and used Mongoose to connect database to application.
  • Employed Node.js for back-end framework, and Express.js to build server-side logic.

MovieMe (Desktop App)
Java, JSON, JUnit, Swing
Feb 2022 – Apr 2022

  • Developed a desktop app with Java allowing users to manage their movie collection by
    adding/removing any number of films to/from either a “to-watch” or a “watched” list.
  • Employed JSON data format for data persistence to save and load movie lists to/from files.
  • Utilized JUnit 5 for Unit Testing and Swing library to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Computer Science Teaching Assistant
University of British Columbia
Jul 2021 – present
Vancouver, Canada

  • Lead 3 weekly labs for the Computation, Programs, and Programming course, mentoring 90+ students and guiding them through 50+ programming design problems using Racket, resulting in 90% TA assessment scores.
  • Collaborate with a teaching team of professors and TAs in weekly meetings to enhance programming design learning for over 800 students.
  • Invigilated CPSC 110’s first-ever computer-based in-person examination with over 200 students.

Community Service Specialist
Community Living British Columbia
Jun 2020 – present
Richmond, Canada

  • Facilitate special needs people to develop 5+ communication skills to function in communities.
  • Assist special needs people in replacing 20% of harmful behaviours with beneficial ones.

Academic Tutor
Home Tutoring
May 2012 – present
Richmond, Canada

  • Demonstrated mathematical abilities in assisting students to achieve grades of over 80%.
  • Conducted review sessions which contributed to an increase of 10% in students’ grades.

Available on request