Linking Assignment #6

Speculative Future – LMS & NFT

Anton Didak’s direction of his Speculative Futures Task was quite entertaining as well as informative. To me, it felt very dystopian once it became clear that teachers were obsolete (I would say this would cause the downfall of society). It was interesting to read about how a child would grow up in this speculative future and learn to survive. The selling of NFTs is not far off from what many people are doing now such as streaming themselves playing video games, selling digital items, and becoming influencers. I concern that the drive to sell through entertainment sends students the wrong message and can influence the idea that they can forgo a full and diverse education as long as they make money because they think making a good income should be their only goal for entering adulthood.

Anton’s task is quite different from my own as he has taken a more science fiction direction, but it also connects to research. For my own Speculative Future task, I decided to discuss my ideas and feelings towards how a future could become positive or negative depending on how technology is used and based it around my experiences as an educator and as a student of the ETC 540 course. In the end, I think it is more likely that our future will be a mix of both using digital media and devices as tools but also as necessary support to survive.

I enjoyed Anton’s speculation and would love to hear his intention of it being utopian, dystopian, a bit of both or perhaps just an honest prediction that could be interpreted as any of these catergories.

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