Passing Vancouver’s Stadiums


Start: Victoria & Adanac

Finish: UBC

Time to UBC: 47 minutes                   Distance: 17.3 km

Time to return: 46 minutes             Distance: 17.4 km

Safety: 4.5 stars

Difficulty: easy

Route: Adanac -> Pacific Street -> Burrard Street Bridge -> Cypress -> Balsam -> Point Grey road -> Jericho Beach -> NW Marine Drive

This was the second ride of the project, but I can see it being one of my favourites. Instead of jumping on the Georgia viaduct at main street I continued along Pacific Street through downtown. The route takes you behind B.C. Place and Rogers Arena before going through Yaletown to the Burrard Street Bridge. There was a designated bike line almost the entire way. The only time that the route was ambiguous between Richards Street to the Bridge. After this I learnt from my previous mistake of biking along Cornwall and decided to turn right on Cypress after to bridge to take a leisurely ride through the back streets of Kitsilano Beach and then through the park to Balsam Street. From here I continued down Point Grey Road which was very enjoyable with the changes to the street organization including a planned bike lane. I then continued on like my first ride (see A ride through downtown) to UBC.

What I liked the most was that there were few elevation changes. The route was also very safe.

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