False Creek

Start: Victoria & Adanac

End: UBC

Time to UBC: 50 minutes                Distance: 18.6 km

Time to return: 52 minutes           Distance: 18.9 km

Safety: 5 stars

Difficulty: easy

Route: Adanac -> Seawall (south side) -> Seaside route through Kitsilano -> Balsam -> Point Grey Road -> Jericho Beach -> NW Marine Drive -> UBC

With my brother in town from the States this week I only managed to bike once to school this week, but what a great ride it was! The false creek route is for anyone that wants an easy, laid back ride out to UBC. Biking along the seawall takes traffic out of the equation as well as frequent stops from traffic lights. There are portions of the seawall that are a little bit rough, and depending on the time of the day there can be many pedestrians sharing the seawall with you, although most of the route has a designated side for biking. The ride along Jericho and Spanish banks was enjoyable as always with the challenging hill up to UBC to finish the ride (the only big climb of the ride). I would certainly recommend this ride for those who aren’t in a rush to get t school.

See false creek 2 for the same route except taking 4th up to UBC rather than NW Marine Drive.

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