10th/8th (the express route)

great view from 8th Avenue


Start: 10th and Commercial

End: UBC

Time to UBC: 40 minutes                Distance: 14.3 km

Time to return: 32 minutes           Distance: 13.6 km

Safety: 4 stars

Difficulty: easy to moderate

Route: 10th and Commercial drive -> trafalger -> 8th -> Blanca -> University Blvd

This was the fastest route by far! It is also a great spot to start if you decide you have to skytrain to broadway and are tired of taking the cramped B-line. The route is very straight forward and doesn’t feature many elevation changes until you get to Alma. Compared to the hill on 4th, the hill on 8th was easier and more enjoyable as there were some great views of the North Shore mountains and downtown Vancouver. I also though that University Blvd was easier and safer compared to Chancellor Blvd. The only time that I felt unsafe during the ride was at many of the intersections along 10th, as there were quite a few roundabouts that did not have stop signs. So if you do decide to take this route be sure to be alert passing cross streets.

As for the ride home, the time speaks for itself. University Blvd is an easy ride followed by a downhill segment on 8th all the way to Alma (reached speeds of 45 km/hr). The rest of the ride is fairly flat and easy.

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