A thank you to the Bike Kitchen

The purpose of this project is to help promote commuting to UBC via bicycle. This requires that the blog actually be seen and utilized. So in an effort to do this I contacted the UBC Bike Kitchen to see if they would be willing to add a link to my blog on their blog site. They were more than willing to do this and even offered to help me with any gear that I might need. I’d like to thank them for assisting me in this project and kindly offering anything I might need to make my riding experience more enjoyable.


Here’s a link to their blog:


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  1. I biked home (Richmond) from UBC last year, pretty enjoyable experience. Sometimes you even beat the 480, which gets stuck in traffic.

    Nowadays, I’m on a work term in downtown, so I’ve been biking home from there. 1 hour trip. More people need to do this man.

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