Misshaps and Mistakes

One more week down, with leaves just under two weeks left until I’ll be giving a presentation and demonstration of ECHO at the 2024 UBC Bang! Festival. This week has very much been a one-step forward, two-steps back sort of week.


There was an unfortunate incident this past weekend that involved me accidentally breaking off the wires of where the Li-Po battery connected to the TP-4056. Don’t worry though, because I was able to clear out the solder and reattach it. I was also able to follow my Fritzing diagram from two weeks ago to complete the rest of the wiring needed to connect my TP-4056 and power On/Off switch.

However, the first test was unsuccessful. Thankfully, Dr. Bob was able to help me identify that a bit of the copper on my breadboard was missing and breaking the circuit. By adding some extra solder we were able to bridge the connection and solve the issue!

3D Printing

The 3D printer that I’ve been using throughout this project in the music technology classroom started malfunctioning a bit this week, so my 3D printing has forcibly been put on hold until the issue is resolved. I still spent some time finishing up my latest designs so that they’ll be ready to print as soon as the printer is.

Changes from last week include streamlining it to be as compact as possible and adding clips to the interior trays so that they could detach and reattach to each other if repairs are needed instead of glueing them together as originally planned.

Box with snap-on lid
Interior trays to securely hold breadboard and Li-Po battery
Key clips with snap-on bottoms to protect sensor connections


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