What did the capstone student say when their FSRs stopped working?

Prototype Electronic Circuit for Three FSRs

It doesn’t make any sense!

Two weeks ago I refreshed my (basic) knowledge of circuits and with the help of Dr. Bob Pritchard, I learned how to use a breadboard to create prototypes of electronic circuits and how to use Arduino IDE to write and upload code to a microcontroller. Instead of using the Arduino Nano 33 IoT which will be used in the final product, I set up a prototype electronic circuit using three spare FSRs and an Arduino Uno and was able to successfully read data from all three sensors thanks to Arduino IDE. This past week, using Arduino2Max is was able to start experimenting with how the FSR data could be used within Max to trigger samples and control plugins.

Watch the second video for a very simple demonstration of one way the incoming data from the FSRs could be used to trigger samples.


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