Hello fellow Engineering students,
Right now, you’re probably struggling with midterms, catching up with last month’s class content, sleep deprived, and likely excessively caffeinated. If you’re in first year, welcome to the life; and for us upper years, it’s nothing new – and even fun 🙂
Either way, you made the right choice by taking a few minutes to check out our Blog and very first post on The ESSentials. Here, we will let you in on all the top secrets for success, and provide more insight on how your ESS works. Welcome!
The ESS (our humble home) ensures that students get all the support they need, so we will refer you back “home” if needed. In the meantime, you can find us at Room 1100, Fred Kaiser Building (beside Starbucks *wink *wink). You can call us at 604-822-6556 and our email is students@apsc.ubc.ca.
The ESSentials is managed by your fellow geeky but totally cool Engineering students (Peer Advisors). For the fun of it, we have decided to remain anonymous but considering that there’s only three of us, you should be able to figure it out – if you really want to. For now, you may address us as π-peer, φ-peer, and σ-peer.
Please feel free to drop by the ESS anytime. We have way too much love to give (and sometimes we even have candy)! For now, au revoir and stay tuned for our next post…. (sneak peek – finals!)
π, φ, and σ