Decided to accelerate in this course?

1) IMMEDIATELY forward Instructor's permission to registrars office
2) sign up to GIVE your web conference presentation
3) IMMEDIATELY arrange with the Registrar to write your exam early
4) Double-up your pace for working through Psyc 320
5) Ask for access to previous class (at the 6th week of the course)
For a variety of reasons, some hard-working students can elect to complete Psychology of Gender in half the time. If YOU are willing to plot a new schedule for yourself - one that will fit your desired time of completion -- and work at double the typical pace, then accelerating in this course is possible IF you complete steps 1-5 below. Completing this course on an accelerated schedule can be an intense and very rewarding experience for students who have excellent time management and study skills and who work well with other students in the required Group activities. Please note: permission to accelerate will only be given at the very beginning of the course.
1) Get -- and IMMEDIATELY forward to the registrar ( -- an email from me (Dr Jessica Motherwell McFarlane) stating you have my permission to accelerate. Several people in the Registrar's Office will have to prepare for your acceleration and they need time to help you.
2) sign up for a date to give your web conference presentation. Giving one -- and attending four (including the one at which you present) web conferences -- are mandatory prerequisites for writing the final exam. Make sure that you attend all four web conferences scheduled early on, i.e. falling into the time frame up to (at the maximum) the end of your time in the course, as you will write your final exam earlier than your classmates, and will not be allowed to attend any conferences after that date. You don't need to sign up to attend those web conferences - simply show up and participate in the discussions following each presentation. A record will be kept of your attendance to make sure you meet the minimum of four conferences.
3) IMMEDIATELY apply to write your final exam early. The instructors are not involved in that process -- only YOU can apply. Please check the following website for instructions and apply ASAP as the kind folks at the Registrar's Office will need 8 - 10 weeks notice to set this up. Follow all instructions listed at this link:
4) plot your own doubled-up schedule for working through the material: 4a) Write the first three journal entries also asap, and submit to me (Jessica) (as I am the one marking the journals), with a note that you are accelerating, so I know to mark your submissions faster than scheduled. Then, as soon as you receive my feedback, work on and submit the second batch (two more entries) - and so on. Just make sure that you get your journals in in the timeframe you set yourself; 4b) You will complete the Group activity #1 with your co-hort in this class. However, you will have to complete Group activity #2 with the students in the previous Psyc 320 class who started 4 months ago. That class will begin with Group Activity 2 fairly soon check their course schedule for all deadlines related to Group#2.
5) Please remind/ask Evelyn Dalian --at the 6th week of the course -- to get you access to the previous class' web site, so you can participate with them in completing this activity. She will need your CWL for that.

1) IMMEDIATELY forward Instructor's permission to registrars office
2) sign up to GIVE your web conference presentation
3) IMMEDIATELY arrange with the Registrar to write your exam early
4) Double-up your pace for working through Psyc 320
5) Ask for access to previous class (at the 6th week of the course)
For a variety of reasons, some hard-working students can elect to complete Psychology of Gender in half the time. If YOU are willing to plot a new schedule for yourself - one that will fit your desired time of completion -- and work at double the typical pace, then accelerating in this course is possible IF you complete steps 1-5 below. Completing this course on an accelerated schedule can be an intense and very rewarding experience for students who have excellent time management and study skills and who work well with other students in the required Group activities. Please note: permission to accelerate will only be given at the very beginning of the course.
1) Get -- and IMMEDIATELY forward to the registrar ( -- an email from me (Dr Jessica Motherwell McFarlane) stating you have my permission to accelerate. Several people in the Registrar's Office will have to prepare for your acceleration and they need time to help you.
2) sign up for a date to give your web conference presentation. Giving one -- and attending four (including the one at which you present) web conferences -- are mandatory prerequisites for writing the final exam. Make sure that you attend all four web conferences scheduled early on, i.e. falling into the time frame up to (at the maximum) the end of your time in the course, as you will write your final exam earlier than your classmates, and will not be allowed to attend any conferences after that date. You don't need to sign up to attend those web conferences - simply show up and participate in the discussions following each presentation. A record will be kept of your attendance to make sure you meet the minimum of four conferences.
3) IMMEDIATELY apply to write your final exam early. The instructors are not involved in that process -- only YOU can apply. Please check the following website for instructions and apply ASAP as the kind folks at the Registrar's Office will need 8 - 10 weeks notice to set this up. Follow all instructions listed at this link:
4) plot your own doubled-up schedule for working through the material: 4a) Write the first three journal entries also asap, and submit to me (Jessica) (as I am the one marking the journals), with a note that you are accelerating, so I know to mark your submissions faster than scheduled. Then, as soon as you receive my feedback, work on and submit the second batch (two more entries) - and so on. Just make sure that you get your journals in in the timeframe you set yourself; 4b) You will complete the Group activity #1 with your co-hort in this class. However, you will have to complete Group activity #2 with the students in the previous Psyc 320 class who started 4 months ago. That class will begin with Group Activity 2 fairly soon check their course schedule for all deadlines related to Group#2.
5) Please remind/ask Evelyn Dalian --at the 6th week of the course -- to get you access to the previous class' web site, so you can participate with them in completing this activity. She will need your CWL for that.

The Gender Companion, copyright 2011 – Dr. Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, Ph.D. This blog is a companion site for the Psychology of Gender Online, UBC. Creative commons attribution, non-commercial sharing only (translation: feel free to quote me in context or use this entry but please always credit me for my work, thanks.) See also Psyc 320 course description: