New Reply and Say "Hi" bonus point: Because verbal feedback and verbal messaging is so important to this course, I will give 1 point to every student who replies (within the specified time) to my verbal message (to be sent on Friday, 20 May 2011).
The rules: 1) Only replying with the WIMBA Voice Mail tool to my "Reply and Say Hi" message can earn a point. (Email replies will not qualify for a point)
2) You will only be able to earn this one point AFTER I send the "Reply and Say Hi" voice mail this Friday May 20, 2011 and BEFORE Wednesday, May 25 at noon. After 12:00-noon on that Wednesday (8 days from now) no more points will awarded.
3) You only need to state your name and say "Hi" but you are welcome to say more if you feel like chatting. I'd love to hear how you are doing so far in the course.
Note: You will only be able to reply if you have a working email in your PROFILE page. Everyone should pre-test their email (especially those who got notified of a problem last week). Simply choose: WIMBA Tools -Voice Email - Select the fourth option (choose from people in this course) and then Browse for your name and send yourself a test message. It's easy! Here is a tutorial showing you how:
I look forward to receiving a "hi" from everyone.
good luck with your pre-test messages