High-Tech Social Enterprise Designed to Employ People With Autism






Autistic employee at Meticulon


applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximising profits for external shareholders.

Social enterprise is all about using business knowledge and strategies to maximize improvements  in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders. Social enterprise is also not charity work but a new way of doing business that allows for maximum profits to be made but in a way which also benefits society and the environment. Meticulon is a perfect example of an innovative social enterprise company that was able to accomplish both of these goals.

What does Meticulon do?

Meticulon hires people with Autism and assigns them jobs within the tech firm to perform jobs that match to the special abilities that many autistic individuals have. For example, many people with autism are vastly superior to neurotypical adults in certain areas such as excelling at detailed computer tasks, detecting errors, and performing mathematical functions.

Why is Meticulon a good example of social enterprise?

Meticulon is able to simultaneously produce maximized profits and remain a competitive compnay while also benefiting/improving society. Meticulon learnt that people with autism have skills that are very valuable to its tech oriented firm. Therefore by hiring individuals with autism, Meticulon became a more efficient and productive company as the individuals with autism can complete the math orientated work much more efficiently than ordinary people and thus labor costs for Meticulon decreased as one autistic individual is as or more productive than several ordinary individuals. Meticulon achieved the first goal of social enterprise: maximizing profits and it also achieved the second goal: improving society/environment. 85% of individuals with autism in Canada are unemployed. Therefore Meticulon hiring people with autism helps solve this societal issue.


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