Banking Software helps institutions modernize operations.

Banking Software helps institutions modernize operations. 

Infosys, a company based in Bangalore, India and Dubai, UAE is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing. Infosys has recently developed an advanced universal banking solution that simplifies banking transformation. This technology can help banks of various sizes to modernize and simplify their operations while maintaining low risk. Not only does this new operating system enhance a bank’s efficiency but also improve costumer experience in all channels.

Infosys serves multiple purposes:

– Its componentized structure makes it easy for banks to quickly target new customer segments.

-The product factory capabilities in Finacle 11E empower banks to create and deploy new products in weeks instead of months.

– The solution’s ready-made integration adaptors and compliance to industry standards ensure shorter deployment cycles and significantly lower total project costs

– Its enterprise class capabilities helps banks break their technology silos and eliminate duplicate applications. This helps banks reduce their cost of operations and simplify their processes

– Multichannel Framework – Enables customers to navigate seamlessly across multiple channels without losing the transaction context.

– Offers and Catalog – Empowers banks to publish instant offers across channels. Graphical product simulators, comparators, customer reviews offer customers a ‘Do It Yourself’ convenience

This case study relates to the operations component to the Comm 101 course. As discussed in class operations is the entire process that a product goes through from the suppliers to the hands of the consumers. One of the main points emphasized in class was that the more intermediary steps between the the source (supplier) to the hands of the consumers the higher the costs will be to produce this product. Therefore the more intermediary steps you eliminate the more efficient the productions process will become and the cheaper the costs of producing the product will be. The introduction of this new banking system is an example of this how these intermediary steps are eliminated to make a more efficient process of the services provided by these banks.

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